sabato 30 novembre 2013


                                                                                  OTTIMO RELAX

Al termine di una giornata di lavoro, Hania, professione modella, si mette in libertà e accende una sigaretta. Quale migliore relax? Se è caldo in veranda, se è freddo in casa, pacchetto di sigarette a portata di mano e un buon libro da leggere.
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1 commento:

Jie Janet ha detto...

eleaf icare 2 kit review is a really good choice for advanced vapers - not just an ecig, but as well a dry leaf and vax vaporixer. This top tc mod works like a beast - so much vapor and such a long battery life. This is a bit more advanced technology - they are using mini-tanks and you can see how much liquid is there left in the cart. On the battery you can see how much power it has left. Vapor amount of sinuous sw kit is amazing, flavors are great. Price is a bit high though.